Caterina Comini

How dangerous can data breaches be?

Data visualization,
Information design

Download the dataviz︎︎︎
The visualisation shows the world’s most relevant data breaches occurred between 2015, year of the Ashley Madison scandal, the first major event with a great impact on the victims, and 2020.
The user-centered approach aims to make observers aware of what and how many data concerning users is stolen or lost; in which sectors and through which methods they usually happen; and why hackers want to get information to feed the Dark Web market. With all this documentation, the beeswarm is designed to highlight data’s sensitive nature and, in case of hacked information, its attractiveness for data thieves. Today all the precious personal data released on the Web is turned into huge sources of income: the so-called “data economy”.  
The aim of this visualisation is to make people reflect on the importance of protecting their data, since its loss could have negative economical and emotional impact.

Project concept,
dataset building,
information design
Comini Caterina,
Lorenzo Di Leonardo,
Francesca Mauri,
Virginia Migliorini,
Fabiola Papini,
Sofia Peracchi,
Emily Maria Salmaso
Sept 2020—
Oct 2020
Density Design Lab XVI︎︎︎,
Politecnico di Milano